Sunday, April 5, 2009


Recently, a global HR consultancy, Mercer, conducted a survey and pronounced Mumbai and Delhi as two amongst the world's top ten most expensive cities. They were voted 4th and 8th respectively, while Moscow and Tokyo took the first two positions.

Mumbai and Delhi were previously in the 5th and 6th position respectively.

Now this isn't even news to me. It may be to YOU since you hardly care how much cash you spend for your own self-righteous wants. Is that a new Prada overcoat? How much did that set you back by? 2.5 lakhs, you say? Why do you need a coat for in the first place; it's like a million degrees out here in Mumbai. Doesn't your bloody conscience prick you? Not even a little bit?

Meanwhile, I was detained by the traffic police today for picking a fight with an auto-rickshawwala over Rs.15.

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