I can't believe someone beat me to my dream of becoming a secret blogger report from the depths of an IPL team. Dammit!
So this blogger, who is allegedly part of the Kolkata Knight Riders, had been spraying venomous words about the IPL all over the internet, something I've always wanted to do, but never quite accomplished. Some say this is because I am far too awesome to succumb to petty efforts like his. But I'd wager it has something to with my complete lack of hand-eye coordination and general suckiness in organized sports that prevented me from joining KKR and spilling the IPL's deep, dark secrets.
Then again, we have people like SRK who talk so much that there isn't much news to report, so the job would have been a futile one.
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awwww... come on!!! It's a publicity stunt .. I know you're smart enough to figure that out .. So don't worry, you're still supreme in your hate for the IPL !!
(I caught your bluff, assuming it was one. I am very firm in my belief that you do not have the faintest idea as to who I really am. However, I assure you that this ignorance is not mutual. How's Prometheus for a name? :D ).
Of course I know that... But I can still grieve that I didn't think of it first...
Yeah, OK you caught me. Am I that transparent??
Isn't Prometheus the son of Titan? You think mighty high of yourself... Don't run names by me, I WILL make fun of them :D
Guess you'll be relatively at peace to see that at least someone notices when Lalit Modi completely ignores a court order and flies to SA for 'business'. But we all know that it's going to take a lot more than that to pull him down. Ah, well, we continue our existence in hope ...
(Not really, I'd say it was worth a shot, but I am, how shall I say, well-covered at the moment. As for the name, I was reading the poem and so thought to go ahead with it. And in a rather literal way, I am 'mighty high' (how kind of me to drop another hint!). Your sense of humour, cynical or otherwise, is something I greatly enjoy, and am willing to offer myself as a subject, if there is some humour to be juiced out of it. Oh, by the way, do enlighten me on any progress in figuring out 'who the hell I am', or any general impressions derived till now.)
YES! So glad the court came to its senses. But a few moments later I remembered that it's the Indian Supreme Court, so I can't expect any results till the IPL, season 12, is done with.
Mighty high? Ok a lot of people come to mind now. Not just because I have friends who are usually in a state of intoxication :-P But really, I still have no idea who you are. And I'd prefer you maintain it that way. Coz if we disagree really badly on something, I might pick up a chainsaw and come after you, and you might not really want that :)
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