I'm not one for couture fashion, and not just because of the utter lack of the wearibility factor, but also since my dad would kill me if I used my emergency debit card to buy a $3000 LV tote bag. So whenever the Lakme Fashion Week is on, and Bombay Times covers the event like crazy, I get a little bit angry. Mostly because I can never have those things. And also because I'd look ridiculous wearing them.
Source: Rediff
The stuff is great. The clothes are striking. The shoes are hot. The models are anorexic. And bulimic. Though I can never figure the difference, since if you're bulimic, you usually end up anorexic, right? But who am I, an Indian chick who likes her curves, to know?
The LFW needs to cater to a wider market, maybe even people who aren't thin enough to be able to count their ribs. Maybe people who experience monthly bloats and can't control it because they don't have a gynecologist at their every beck-and-call. Maybe people who actually think that Kareena Kapoor sucks because she gives impressionable young girls an unhealthy body image. Moreover, can these fabrics even be worn is climates like Mumbai or Chennai's? Do you have to dry-clean your dresses after every time you wear them? Is it worth paying a month's rent on a pair of burgundy stilettos that you can't use anyway since your city roads have potholes so deep, you could emerge on the other side of the world if you fall into one of them? Do you think - oh, who am I kidding? No one's listening to this rant.
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