Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Blood Stream Needs a Pick-Me-Up

...and I'm thinking caffeine might do the job. Only the more coffee I drink, the more I start to channel the Dracula-sunken-eye look, and that's not what I'm going for right now.

Then again, coffee might be a good alternative, as opposed to, say, ripping every strand of hair on my head from its roots, which is precisely what I want to do everytime I see THIS:

I don't think India is going to rest until its people completely squeeze every drop of relevancy that is still left in the song, milking the phenomenon for all its worth. Basically, this hype is not going to wane till the Academy Awards of 2013, so get ready to hear a rendition of 'Jai Ho' from your local grocery serenading his succelent Nagpur oranges.

Aam aadmi ke badhte kadam, har kadam par Bharat buland...

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