Saturday, March 21, 2009

Just To Make Things Clear

This is a blog with honour, pride and dignity. We are responsible journalists with a sense of decorum that makes us use this mighty tool of communication in a appropriate fashion. We are people of our word and swear to -

Oh, God. I can't do this. We have no morals, OK? No social etiquette, no conscience and definitely no sense for others' privacy.

And no, this blog isn't about a particular school or anything. We learned that lesson months ago.

So what the hell is it about?

Here's the thing: We're Indians, right? Except we really aren't. We want to be global citizens, which would explain why Akon is very popular during dandiyaa parties, but we haven't gone to the extent of approving couples living together before marriage. Obviously, "Smack That" is appropriate. Pre-marital fondling is not.

This is for you. The Indian who won't vote when he's finally a major, but will squeal about the crappy transportation service. The same Indian who will also graduate and jump at the first opportunity to catch a job placement in Canada. The same Indian who will give me slack for writing this, even as he nods his head in acknowledgment.

We're hypocrites. And we know it. Just for that attitude, we're kinda cool.

Here's to you guys.

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